We have help for you at the Chapel! For those that may just need someone to talk, all the way to those who are hurting severely and need professional help. The wise King Solomon said it this way, 'Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.' Proverbs 11:14. We want to help, so please give us a call at the church office 419-468-3930
Counsel with Pastor Joe
Pastor Joe is not only our pastor, but is also a Licensed Clinical Counselor. He feels a calling on his life to help restore, heal and go through challenges with you that may have you feeling overwhelmed and without hope. He will make himself available to help you work through the trials of life in a Christ centered setting. Contact our office at 419-468-3930.
Restore Ministries was developed in 2008 with a mission to come along side and help bear the burdens of those struggling with life's challenges. This is a closed group that meets weekly and is trained by Pastor Joe to meet one on one, to transport when available, mentor and so many other ways to help share the burdens with you. Contact our office at 419-468-3930.